Friday, October 29, 2010

Event Photography and Mehanata Club LES NYC

Recently I have decided that being an event photographer is a large part of my calling in life.  I adore being out in the crowd and more than just being a participant in the party, I love capturing the images created when people get together to have a good time.

In an effort to beef up my event portfolio and also to grab some great images of my good friends, I went to Mehanata in the LES last night.

They were having a costume Russian bash - perfect for fabulous photos!
The music as always was wonderful.   All the happy dancers and drinkers turned out in their best USSR gear and the party all in all was a great success.

Here are some images from the evening.  These are some of my favorite - highlights if you will from the night.  If you want to see more (or want to make sure I got your cute face in a photo) please check out the complete set on my AT Photography page on Facebook.

Record Runner...Boys fighting for the best 12inch

I had a dream...and in it two of my friends were fighting over records, in a room full of records.

After thinking about this idea for a few days I finally decided it would make good photo shoot.  Though my set up here at the house was not ideal for the shoot, I think what I got was pretty good considering.  

After getting the shots I had dreamed up, we did some portrait shots for my friends.  I put a couple of them up here as well. 

Thanks to my boyfriend who kindly let me use all of his old records for the project!  He is awesome :)


Before cleaning up the mess I had made I decided to take a few photos of my love.
This one is golden if you ask me :)
Hipster kid who finds peace in a room of music - or at least that is what I was going for :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Face Mask

Just an idea I had and my boyfriend was kind enough to let me try it out.
A little comedy never hurt anyone :)